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Perspectives that Challenge, Provoke, and Inspire

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I have been collecting military and police memorabilia for over 50 years. In early April, I decided to downsize my collection and consigned a vintage RCMP bandmasters tunic with sash, and an RCMP forage cap to Kirsten Boldt, owner of Infinity Antiques, here in Medicine Hat. Kirsten, in turn, put these items online to sell. The RCMP became aware of this sale and decided to get involved. On April 10, and on the instructions of the RCMP 'K' Division Sergeant Major, the local detachment commander attended Kirsten’s store and seized my RCMP items. When I learned what happened, I demanded their immediate return.
Interview: Catherine MacKenzie on Mayor Clark and the Petition
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Interview: Catherine MacKenzie on Mayor Clark and the Petition

The Sentinel reached out to Catherine MacKenzie to find out in more detail about her mission to reinstate Mayor Clark to full duties and her reasons behind the petition do so. The responses are the position of Catherine MacKenzie and are her perspective on the situation occurring between council and Ms. Clark.
A Legal Perspective on City Council
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A Legal Perspective on City Council

It is crucial to recognize that the city manager is the sole employee of the Council and, as such, is subject to employment laws. The circumstances surrounding the incident, where the chief elected official was nearly perceived to have engaged in conduct tantamount to constructive dismissal, raise significant legal implications.
Running For City Council? Why Bother?
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Running For City Council? Why Bother?

With the government of Alberta introducing Bill 20, it raises the following question in municipal politics. If a councillor can be removed by order of cabinet, or a bylaw overturned because it does not jive with the ideology of the government, why be a municipal councillor at all?
Clark and her Supporters Continue to Fan Flames of Discontent and Conspiracy
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Clark and her Supporters Continue to Fan Flames of Discontent and Conspiracy

For a group that wants the role of Mayor respected, Clark and her supporters are not very respectful of council as a whole. Clark could at anytime ask her supporters not to cheer her when she enters, or jeer other councilors, but she chooses not to lead and continues to antagonize council with her requests of information regarding spending and severance issues that she, as Mayor, signed off on. If that is not grandstanding then what is?
Rampant impolite behaviour
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Rampant impolite behaviour

It saddens me to see in retail stores and medical offices signs warning people that foul and abusive language will not be tolerated. I agree with the signs just saddened to see we have sunk that low as a society.
Clark Drama Only Inflamed Further by Release of One Sided Documents
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Clark Drama Only Inflamed Further by Release of One Sided Documents

Clark’s release of redacted documents questions her integrity as far as the “whole truth”, transparency regarding her behaviours and actions beyond the August 21st council meeting at the centre of the code of conduct breach.
Mayor Clark Sanctions Were the Correct Decision
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Mayor Clark Sanctions Were the Correct Decision

The code of conduct complaint, and outside legal council's determination that Mayor Clark breached the code, was the trigger to try to deal with a number of Mayor Clark's behaviours that had created a working environment in city hall that neither the rest of council or administration were willing to continue to allow.
Auto Theft Happens
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Auto Theft Happens

Check your license plate more often than you should - it might not be your plate on your car!
Vacations & Visitors
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Vacations & Visitors

Our badlands aren't that bad & our city is a fabulous place to be.
Story of the Year 2023: POWER!
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Story of the Year 2023: POWER!

The Sentinel has chosen local power prices and the political posturing on behalf of city council and the broader community is it's top story for 2023. Read more to find out why.
Civilian Forces
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Civilian Forces

A plumber, not a pilot, my family was transferred to MH.
Will The MHES Grandstand Project Be A Money Pit?
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Will The MHES Grandstand Project Be A Money Pit?

This week the Lethbridge Exhibition came hat in hand to Lethbridge city council to ask for more money for budgetary shortfalls of the new multi-million dollar Agri-Food Hub facilities.. How will the taxpayers of Medicine Hat be protected from the same continuing funding asks if the city does fund the MHES to build its new grandstand facility?
Remember Them, But Also Embrace Their Legacy
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Remember Them, But Also Embrace Their Legacy

Many of us have a personal connection to Canada’s military history. For me, my Great Uncle was wounded in the First World War. My wife lost two people close to her family in the Second World War, including an uncle and her mother’s first husband. I’m sure your family lost loved ones as well. Remembering their courage and sacrifice is a duty we can all be proud to accept.
Drew  Barnes - Sun City Sentinel
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MH Stampede Not Living In Reality

The Medicine Hat Exhibition and Stampede made a presentation to council this week and you could say it was poor at best and insulting to Medicine Hat council and taxpayers at the least.
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Provincial pension plan: Let’s go already

Over the past two weeks, the hot topic in media (besides Trudeau’s latest scandals) has been the subject of creating a provincial pension plan in Alberta. So far, the debate has centered on financial details. On this front, the case of a provincial pension plan is clear. Albertans can immediately pay less in contributions and collect more in pension payments under a provincial plan.
Drew  Barnes - Sun City Sentinel
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Trials of Entertaining the Masses

Insight regarding both the Hollywood film strikes and troubles of the working-class actor.
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Reforming Government: Who is in Charge?

If you follow politics locally or nationally, you will notice a trend. The most hotly debated issues tend to fall along ideological and partisan fault lines. These tend to be the most divisive issues, and as a result they are the most likely to affect the outcome of elections. However, with all the attention paid to these hot button issues, there are many others that get ignored to the detriment of us all. One such issue, which cuts to the core competency of government, is the so-called chain of command.
Drew  Barnes - Sun City Sentinel
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Learning along the way to MH

Just a small town girl - looking for the real world.
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Will it be a City of Medicine Hat Bonus or Boondoggle?

Hatters deserve the final say on electricity profits. For most Albertans, today’s electricity costs are shocking. The question is, as the owners of their own electric company what do these rising costs mean for Medicine Hat residents? In the short term, the City stands to collect tens of millions in new revenue as prices soar.
Drew  Barnes - Sun City Sentinel
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Mayor Burning Bridges With Council

With last week's friction at city council, there has been much talk in the community about council effectiveness and cohesion. The blatant personal attack by the Mayor on the CAO, regarding corporate staff restructuring, showed that things are fraying between the Mayor, administration and the rest of council.
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The Power Profits Problem

Our city owns its own power generation. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Does council have the knowledge and ability to steward our power production into the future without making major financial and/or political mistakes?
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How to write an Article that Engages!

The Sun City Sentinel is a brand new platform for Medicine Hat, which allows anyone to post engaging and informative articles. Some basic techniques can help you increase your readership greatly.
Dave Cruickshank - Sun City Sentinel
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My Canadian Outlook

A Commentary about Immigration and the Culture Shocks as a Young Immigrant
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The Stampede and the Future

Another Stampede has come and gone. What's in store in the future and should the organization be more transparent in its affairs if it wants more public money?
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Moving To and From Medicine Hat: Why We Chose to Stay

Hey there, fellow Medicine Hatters and soon-to-be Medicine Hatters! I want to take you on a journey through my experiences and why I decided to stay put in this charming little gem we call Medicine Hat. Believe me when I say that this place is more than just a "small town" - it's a vibrant, lively community that stole my heart from the very beginning.
Bailey Warner - Sun City Sentinel
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A "News" Source of Information in Our Community

Hello Medicine Hat and area! A new source of local news and information is now online and waiting for your input!